10 Unproductive Habits

10 Unproductive Habits

by experiencehood | Sep 26, 2021

Our everyday lives are filled with distractions and most of them become habits that hold us back from getting where we would like to go in life. Let take the time to identify our unproductive habits to motivate us to get more done.

Checking your Phone

Technology has gotten so advanced that we are capable of carrying a mini-computer which is our phone in our pockets. Having a phone around has its perks, but it also comes with some disadvantages. We can stay connected to whatever’s going on. Staying connected can cause addiction-like behavior to check out whatever grabs our attention.


Most people have fallen into the trap of telling themselves I will do it later. Later comes, and you still haven’t done what you are supposed to do. Procrastination leads to a build-up of tasks to be done, falling behind schedule, and the later minute rush to get things done. In worst cases, procrastination can turn into never getting started.  

Not Setting Goals

Setting goals gives motivation and helps visualize what you are trying to obtain. Have no goals in life is the equivalent of not having a purpose.

No Structure

Organizing your days gives direction and purpose. Creating structure in your life builds strong routines and gets the most out of the time you have. Have no structure to your life can lead to missed opportunities or wasted time.

Being a Perfectionist

Having the mindset of making sure things are perfect or to an exact standard before you can consider it done leads to things not getting done. You don’t want to be stuck on little details that don’t matter as much as you think they are. Spending too much on one thing can cause a backup of tasks needed to be finished.

Trying to Reinvent the Wheel

One of the biggest wastes of time is trying to solve a problem when someone else already has the answer. Don’t be a fear to ask questions problem solving is not limited to what you can think up in your head. There is no special recognition for solving a problem that everyone else knew how to solve.


Splitting your focus on multiple objectives used to be a trend that was popular for increasing productivity, but there are problems with it. Focusing on one thing allows you to pay more attention to what you are doing and reduces the chances of having to redo it. Take the time to make sure you are doing something right instead of doing get more done at the same time.

Never Finishing

Don’t be that person that always starts something but never finishes. It’s a big waste of time to start projects and not finish them, plus you can’t fully learn what went wrong or right to improve on it. There is nothing to gain by not following through with what you started.


One of the biggest traps of unproductivity is to binge-watch a television series. One episode turns into a whole season and has nothing to show for it. The time spent watching an episode could have been spent getting closer to one of your goals.


Constantly thinking about what’s already done does nothing but cause stress. The best solution to a past failure is to move on and try to learn from the past. Sometimes your concerns come from something that has not happened yet. In circumstances that cause you to worry, work on things that you have control of and handle the situation appropriately as they come.