Adventure - Love, Camera, and Social Media

Adventure - Love, Camera, and Social Media

by experiencehood | Feb 05, 2024

A crisp breeze wafted through the zipper of the tent and stirred Emily and Alex from their sleeping bags. The scent of pine lingered in the air, and a gentle warmth from just beyond the nylon carried the promise of a breathtaking sunrise. The couple, enwrapped in the lingering warmth of their shelter, exchanged sleepy smiles.

It was a trip that they had been planning for just over 8 months, and it hadn’t exactly been an easy ride. Every so often, an emergency or event occurred that diminished their savings. A birthday present for an elderly relative or a gift for someone’s cousin’s wife’s newborn baby had temporarily put smiles on their faces, but they were soon overcome by the acute awareness that financially, they were back to square one.

But eventually, they had made it. Eventually they had saved enough money to purchase the flight ticket to Zurich and the hired taxi to the Swiss Alps. Online, they had been entranced by the majestic mountain peaks, charming villages and pristine lakes, and Emily knew that it was the perfect place to celebrate their one-year anniversary.

But they weren’t the only ones excited to spend the time together. Being small time influencers, Emily and Alex had been documenting their preparation for the trip online and together, had amassed a fair number of followers who were eager to see the culmination of all their efforts. So, it was also for them that they had to capture this moment – the moment that the sun first peaked over the horizon and threw light over the snowy caps of Switzerland.

With a sense of quiet excitement, Emily unzipped the tent, greeted by the first light of dawn painting the mountain peaks in hues of pink and gold. Alex recoiled from the sudden cold, but quickly donned a jumper and followed Emily outside. The world was silent, save for the distant murmur of a mountain stream and the rustle of leaves in the early morning breeze

“Oh boy. Instagram is going to love this one”, Alex mused. Emily could hear the smile in his voice.

"What better way to begin our day than with the sun rising over the mountains?" Emily remarked, as she began to bring a crackling campfire to life. Alex’s eyes glowed with anticipation, and he raised his camera to capture the scene.

Emily, turned to the horizon.

"Did I ever tell you why I chose this place?” She asked.

Alex lowered his lens and raised an eyebrow quizzically.

A mischievous smile played on Emily's lips as she gestured toward the breathtaking panorama before them. The sun, now a radiant circle climbing above the jagged peaks, cast a warm glow across the valley.

"This place," she began, her voice carrying a blend of nostalgia and affection, "holds a piece of my childhood. My grandparents used to bring me here during summers. I have vivid memories of campfires, starry nights, and stories told under the sky. It's a place that's been etched in my heart for as long as I can remember."

Alex's eyes softened as he listened, the realization dawning on him that this mountain retreat was more than just a picturesque camping spot. It was a trove of Emily's most cherished memories, a sacred space that protected echoes of her past. He held his phone camera up to capture her impromptu confession. After all, if he didn’t have evidence of it, he knew she would turn into a flustered mess and definitely call him a liar later.

"I wanted to share this place with you," Emily continued, her gaze locked on the distant peaks. "To create new memories together and, well, to make it ours."

A tender smile crossed Alex's face as he grasped the depth of her sentiment.

“Well,” Alex began, “We did work really hard to get to this moment. We laughed, cried, and even fought about the plane seats, but we’ve been here for – what? Three days now? And… Well… I can certainly see why this place would mean so much to you.”

His voice trailed off as he noticed that Emily hadn’t turned around.

“I don’t know how you do it, Alex”

Alex got up from the rock he was perched upon and cautiously stepped over the craggy environment to stand behind his wife.

“Do what?” He asked.

“Be so perfect”, Emily responded as she turned towards him, teary eyed. “I’m so lucky to have you.”

Alex grinned as he pressed the record button on the camera and held it up in front of the both of them. He bared a toothy smile into the lens and Emily copied him, raising her hands into a peace sign before cradling his face and placing a quick kiss on his stubble.

“Correction… We are so lucky to have you…”

For a moment, Alex stood in stunned silence, his mind processing what his wife had just said. Suddenly, a surge of overwhelming emotion washed over him. His pulse quickened, and he took a step back to fully gaze at Emily.

"Are you serious?" he asked, a mixture of disbelief and sheer joy evident in his voice.

Emily nodded, her own eyes welling.

"Yes, Alex. We're going to be parents."

Without uttering a word, Alex swept Emily into his arms, holding her in a tight embrace. The camera was pressed between them, muffled by the movement of clothing against clothing, Alex’s whoops of joy and Emily’s excited whimpers. Overcome with happiness, he pressed a rough kiss to her forehead.

Alex whispered, "I can't believe it. We're going to be a family."

Emily nodded against his shoulder and shivered as the cool air attempted to freeze the tear streaks on her cheeks. As the sun ascended behind the majestic Alps, its gentle rays painted the mountain summits in hues of rose and gold. The camera, still recording.