Affirmation Done Right

Affirmation Done Right

by experiencehood | Aug 20, 2021

Affirmations can encourage or discourage perception of life. You must understand how your thoughts and the way you talk about yourself can direct the outcomes in your life. In this article, there will be a discussion on what affirmations are and how they can affect your life.

What is an affirmation?

An affirmation is an action or process of affirming something or being affirmed or emotional support or encouragement.

Speak it into existence

An affirmation can be negative or positive. There is a saying ”speak it into existence” and a similar concept of how affirmations work. When you say something about yourself, you are branding yourself with the ideas associated with them.

Whether you are intentionally using affirmations, you have to be mindful of what you say about yourself. What you say about yourself can cause you to believe it is true and affects how you perform in your day-to-day life.

A positive affirmation is an optimistic outlook of how you view yourself. These are the type of affirmations you should constantly embedding into life to encourage better outcomes and endure tough situations.

A negative affirmation is a pessimistic outlook of how you view yourself. Stay clear of negative affirmations which slowly drag you down and steer you away from improvement.

Speak in the present

One of the best ways to state an affirmation is to say it in a way to reflex now. Whatever you think you are in the process of being, say it as if you are that now.

For example, if you are in school to become a graphic designer, then tell yourself that you are a graphic designer.


It is not enough to mention who you are to yourself and the world one time. You have to remind yourself and the world who you are. To do so, regularly revisit your affirmation.

Alignment with purpose

When creating your affirmations, make sure that it is something that you are interested in. Commitment is the biggest part of a successful affirmation, and if you are following your purpose, you are more likely to realize your affirmation.

Be realistic

Creating realistic affirmations goes hand and hand with the goals you created. Your affirmations have to be in sync with what your goals are. Goals are the step-by-step plan to help you get to where you want to be in life. An affirmation is an encouragement and a good type of pressure to help you stay with your plan.

In closing, affirmations can affect your life, whether it is positive or negative. When you are implementing affirmations in your life, you are speaking it into existence. To create affirmations that have positive effects on your life, speak in the present, constantly state affirmation, affirmations align with purpose, and goals make affirmations realistic.

Keep gaining experience and enjoy life.