Authors That Will Help You Understand People Better

Authors That Will Help You Understand People Better

by experiencehood | Aug 24, 2021

Are you in search of information that can happen understand how people think?

Personal development is an important part of becoming a better you. Reading books have been a reliable source to gaining knowledge of how the world works. These authors have been highly acclaimed for their work and the value they have given to people.

Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie has written one of the most infamous books, how to win friends and influence people. His explanation of concepts is relatable and easy to digest. The stories he tells break down the lessons in a realistic and personal way.

He will help you improve the way handle yourself around people and be able to enjoy your life.

Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn is referenced by many motivational speakers, authors, and couches because of his work in the personal development space. He has helped many people understand business and life. He has taught many, and now the people he has taught are teaching more people. His work clearly inspired many others to follow in his footsteps.

Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell has many books that are outstanding and will make you see the world differently from what you are used to. His book force on the societal perspective of how things happen and challenges the way of thinking.

Gladwell’s breakdown of his thoughts takes you through a journey, and by the end of his books, you will have a better understanding of what you thought you knew.

Robert Greene

If you are uncertain of how to establish yourself and maneuver through life, then Robert Greene can prove you with the foundation to build you up. In his book, Greene explains how human nature works and how you should play the cards you are dealt with right.

Robert Greene uses historical events and figures as well as famous stories and poems to support his observations. He not only explains how the points he brings up works, but he also explains how they can work against you.


These authors Dale Carnegie, Jim Rohn, Malcolm Gladwell, and Robert Greene are exceptional at what they do and have helped many people understand the world better.