Be Present

Be Present

by experiencehood | Sep 17, 2021

Ever been lost in thought, unaware of the opportunities, and notice that you are missing much of what life has to offer. Start to become more aware of life by being present-minded.

When you have a habit of reflexing on everything before you act can slow you down. When you are not in the present, it is like moving without looking where you are going. It becomes difficult to react to incoming situations, and you may not see what hit you.

More doing Less Thinking

How many times did you get stuck in thought about what to do and end up not doing it? Waiting for perfection will lead you to miss out on opportunities while other people take chances and enjoying life.

Opportunities come and go quickly and unexpectedly. You will not be prepared for opportunities every time. Being aware of what is happening at that moment improves your ability to react and keep on your feet.

Have you ever sat and thought about how difficult something that you want to do can be to the point you end up not doing it? The less you think of something, the less likely you are going to psych yourself out.

Worry Less

How can you worry about your past if you are living in the present? Spending less time thinking about problems and find ways to move forward. What happens, happens, so don’t get stuck on what you could have done work on what you should be doing.

There is less stress in life when you are capable of letting go and work on what you can do now.

Focus More

How can you give your best if you are distracted by thoughts that take you away from the moment? Thinking uses your brain capacity and capability. Instead of having your brain focusing on multiple objectives, focus on what is immediately in front of you.


Be aware of where you are and appreciate what is going at this very moment. Being in the present allows you to do more, worry less, and focus on what is ahead of you.

Live life with both eyes wide open, and don't let thoughts hinder your progression.

Keep gaining experience and enjoy life.