Becoming Discipline

Becoming Discipline

by experiencehood | Aug 23, 2021

Discipline is building self-control to correct a habit.

How many times have you heard about New Year's resolutions that start strong and fade away over time?

You want to be capable of accomplishing projects that you start then it starts with building up your discipline to what you start. Here are ways to become disciplined.

Let it be Known

It is a good idea to make it harder to back out of a commitment. A good way to do so is to announce your attention to people around you and apply pressure to accomplish what you set out to do.

Utilize your need for recognition against you in a positive way. Most people hate to disappoint others, so if you tell someone interested in seeing your results, that will create an incentive to perform. The more people you tell, the less the chance you fail.

It is easy to fall out of a workout routine if you are the only one that knows.

Small wins

The idea behind earning small victories is to set up a reward system by gaining satisfaction from completing easy objectives.

A couple of ways to set this reward system is to have a to-do list or write out goals. These work the best because they give way to set up a progression system to track how far you are.


The most important part of being discipline is to stay consistent. You’re trying to create a habit and it takes time. The more consistent you become, the less effort it takes to follow through with your routine.

You have to find a way to hold yourself accountable for staying on track.

Right Now

Get in the mindset of doing things right now. When you are trying to start something, one of the worst things you can do is put it off for later. You will become more of a procrastinator when you make it a habit.

The best way to start anything is to do it right now.


Discipline takes time to develop. Learn how to build the habit of obtaining the goals you want in life. Let people know what you are trying to achieve, create and complete small tasks or goals, be consistent, and start right now.

Keep gain experience and enjoy life.