Goal Setting

Goal Setting

by experiencehood | Jul 21, 2021

Looking to start a goal to fulfill a dream? Setting goals are an effective way of measuring progression and committing to them. Here are ways to help you along the way.

End goal

Determine what result you want to achieve and why. Have a reason for wanting to accomplish your goals. Make sure you are will to put in the work to finish the job. Understand that just have a goal to do something doesn’t mean you will follow through with it.

Be specific about what your goal is. Don’t have a general goal that can have several different results. Such goals are, I want to get fit, or I want to own a business. Getting fit can be looking like a pro bodybuilder or fitting in a smaller dress size. It is harder to visualize those types of goals because they can mean a lot of things. Your goals should be I want to lose 40 lbs. or I want to be able to run a mile in 13 minutes because those goals are exactly what you plan to do.

Breakdown steps

When you have your goal set, break it down into steps. Turn these steps into smaller goals. The importance of having smaller goals is to track how far along with your goal, and you will get a feeling of progression. In addition, smaller goals are quicker to complete. You will gain gratification quicker and more continuously by completing smaller goals. Taking on the goal piece by piece will become more engaged with your goal, and it will be less likely to fade away from your mind.


Prioritizing is not time-sensitive; it is capable sensitive. Setting deadlines on goals can work and encourage you to work harder, but if you miss the deadline, you may quit on your goals and feel discouraged. Sometimes you can write goals thinking it can be accomplished in a certain time and realize that there is a missed step or it takes longer than you thought.

Stay focus on working on the goals you are most capable of completing in the shortest amount of time and work your way up to the other goals. This way, if you run into roadblocks, there is less disappointment.


In your journey to achieving your dreams, remember to think about your end goal and be specific about it. Afterward, break down the steps needed to progress through your goals. Lastly, prioritize completing goals based on capability and not time.

Keep gaining experience and enjoy life.