How chasing perfection hurt you

How chasing perfection hurt you

by experiencehood | Sep 21, 2021

Have you ever wanted to do something but didn’t do it because of questioning yourself on the ability to do it the way you think it should be done? We live in a society that makes us want to perform or appear that we have everything together.

We have a society that produces people to take several pictures in the same position just to pick one out of the many. In many situations, people would refuse to put a product out because it didn’t meet their standards, or in other words, it was not perfect.

Here are some of the pitfalls of chasing perfection.


Procrastination when it comes to getting the perfect result tends to lead to overthinking. Overcomplicating a task or plan can make it difficult for you to get started. When an idea becomes too big, and the initial idea gets lost or does not make sense anymore the idea never sees the day of light. 

A lot of ideas or businesses never make it out of the brainstorming phase because of people trying to create perfection. When ideas become too big, the requirements to start also become bigger, which complicates how to start. In turn, you become the gatekeeper that prevents you from gaining entry.

Creates Fear

Seeking perfection puts you in a place where many things can go wrong. In the same way, overthinking leads to bigger tasks which makes it difficult to start it also makes it scarier to complete. Thoughts of the smallest details having to meet a standard create a fear that prevents you from being able to put your ideas out in the public.

Unhealthy Habits

You may have heard of the terrible stories of people who earn their living through the eyes of the public and the habits that are generated cause of it. People that are constantly in the public’s eye are criticized for everything. In their attempt to live up to the standard, they embrace unhealthy and dangerous habits that lead to disorders like bulimia and anorexia.

The stress of having to be perfect also leads to finding ways to cope with it. Some performers think that they need to be medicated to deal with it.

This habit, unfortunately, can and has led to the death of many well know and talented people.

Look for approval

Perfectionists are big searchers for approval, whether it is from others or themselves. In the search for approval, things that would be a great opportunity are turned down because of what they think others will view them if they do it. The thought of embarrassment holds people back from achieving or experiencing great things.


Chasing perfection has a lot of negative consequences, and it is best to avoid falling into them. Some of the pitfalls of chasing perfection are procrastination, fear, looking for approval, and unhealthy habits. Even in a society where everything can look perfect, don’t allow it to fool you into thinking that everything has to be perfect. The only thing that will happen is lost opportunity, time, and maybe health.