How to Find Your Purpose in Life

How to Find Your Purpose in Life

by experiencehood | Jul 17, 2021

A purpose is a reason for doing something or why it exists.

Every day people are questioning their choices, reflecting on past decisions, and asking why? What is the purpose of what they're doing? This is what happens when someone doesn’t understand the reasoning behind the actions taken.

Here are some steps to help you find your purpose.

1. The end goal

Imagine the greatest outcome you want to achieve. Determine whether the achievement contains the values that are important to you. Investigate how you think achieving it will represent who you are as a person.

Start with the end goal in mind and work backward.

2. Paths

Research and make a list of paths to achieve your goal. Afterward, build an outline of the prerequisites needed to pursue these paths, such as skills, certifications, and people.

At this point, you are looking at everything objectively. You are not making any decisions, just getting a survey of possibilities.

3. Do what comes naturally

After looking at all the options, examine what would be the most likely choice. Question what you are good at and how it will help you reach your goal.

Ask yourself can you see yourself doing this for a long period of time? How much does it interest you?

4. Learn more

Look at your deficiencies and obtain the prerequisites needed.

Find ways to gain skills. Take courses, find a mentor, or read books or articles that will aid you.

5. Explore 

Calibrate whether the path you are taking is the best way for you. Find a way to practice the skills you have learned. Develop a portfolio that demonstrates your capabilities.

Remember to try new things then see if it motivates you to use your skills or seek a new skill. While exploring, you can meet people that can help you reach your goals, inspire, and increase your knowledge of what you are capable of.

6. Reassess

As you learn more and accomplish more, constantly reevaluate your end goal and the path you are taking.

Things may change.


Find your purpose is a constant process there is no one answer to finding it, and there are many ways to obtaining it.

Remember to the end goal, find your path, do what comes naturally, keep learning, explore, reassess what you are doing.

Keep gaining experience and enjoy life.