How to improve your conversation

How to improve your conversation

by experiencehood | Jul 12, 2021

Do you find it difficult to keep a conversation going, find words to say, or been consider a bad conversationalist? Here are some strategies to improve your conversations.

Get people to talk about themselves

One thing you have to realize about people is that everyone’s number one priority is themselves. Use this understanding to get closer to the person you are talking to. You can do this by asking a question that makes someone reveal their interest. This will invite you into their world, and they would be willing to show you around.

Simple questions such as, what do you do for a living? Are you into sports? What do you watch? These questions open up insight into a person’s interest.

It is rare to meet someone only interested in you. Most people you meet really don’t care about you. The only exception to the rule is what you think about them. Let the conversation focus on the most of the time.

Appear to be interested

During your conversation, it is your job to make the person feel important. They will always remember you for the way you make them feel.

A good way to accomplish this to be a genuine listener. This is a compliment to a person, and it says that you are really enjoying the time you are having.

Another way of appearing interested is by being engaged in the conversation and making people feel like you are intrigued by them. Even if you’re not saying much, reassure them that you are still following, with head nods, confirming statements such as yes and sure, and follow-up questions.

Use the person’s name

Your name is one of the first things you will own in your life, and it becomes part of your identity. Legacies are held by name, so be aware of the weight a name can carry.

Acknowledging someone‘s name is a sign of respect, and recognition especially with the tone you use. Using someone’s name indicates that you have established a relationship or making progress to a real friendship.

Don’t interrupt

Cutting someone off while they are talking is a sign of disrespect and lack of interest. Plus, you will start to become annoying to other people when you’re constantly cutting off people. 

Give time to a person to finish their thought, then assert your comment or question. It is more important to keep good rapport than it is to get your point across.


Remember to get people to talk about themselves, use their names, be interested in them, and don’t interrupt them will they speak. Constantly use all of these strategies, and you will see improvements in the results of your conversations.

Keep gaining experience and enjoy life.