How to improve your style

How to improve your style

by experiencehood | Jul 15, 2021

To improve your style, follow these steps.

Figure out the type of settings you are going to be in

The first thing you need to figure out is where do you spend the majority of your time. This determines how formal or informal your dress attire can be and what brands you should be looking at.

Imitate what you see

Pay attention to what people around you are wearing. Their style will be the benchmark for your style. Then look for similar representation, whether it is from a magazine, TV, or anywhere else.

Choose the best and most appropriate look that fits who you are, and try to replicate it.

To lead, you must first follow.

Get comfortable with trying something new

Here is where you start to set yourself apart from the rest. Start to look for things that can make your outfit stand out, such as colors, jewelry, designs, or designer.

Repeat for a new style

It is important to have different looks. Go through the same process for another environment.

Learn to mix styles

To take it another step after mastering your styles. Start to combine the styles you have mastered and put together clothes and accessories that you wouldn't.


To improve for style, figure out the type of settings you are going to be in, imitate what you see, get comfortable with trying something new, repeat for a new style, and learn to mix styles.

Keep gaining experience and enjoy life.