How to learn Faster

How to learn Faster

by experiencehood | Aug 04, 2021

Learning new things takes time. This is why it is good to know ways to speed up the process. Here are some tips to help you learn faster.

Focus on one thing

Trying to learn more than one thing at a time spreads your interest. Having less to think about makes it easier to concentrate.

Learn the basics

Start with the fundamentals of whatever you’re trying to learn. It is easy to want to jump to the more interesting parts. Jumping ahead will only slow you down. Be patient in the beginning, and most of what you learn will use variations of the fundamentals.


Repetition leads to retention. Going through the material multiple times will allow you to gain familiarity. You will be able to remember the material better. The amount of times someone has to repeat the same thing depends on the person. There is no magic number that works for everyone.

Have a reason

Learning anything without a purpose adds to the difficulty and increases the chances that you won’t finish. Having a reason to learn something gives you the will to continue when you are frustrated or stuck.

Ask for help

There will be times when you can’t find the answer, and take the time to find someone that can help you. Sometimes some things will confuse you, and take your time to figure them out.

Having someone around that knows how to do what you are learning will increase the pace at which you learn.

Learn in different ways

Learning from different sources helps you get a better perspective. Hearing the same thing from different sources makes it easier to add repetition.

You can do it by using video, audio, and text.


Learning is a process, and you can speed it up by improving the way you learn. Focus on one thing, learn the fundamentals first, recycle the information, have a reason to learn, ask for help, and learn in different ways.

Keep gaining experience and enjoy life.