How to Make Friends

How to Make Friends

by experiencehood | Jul 08, 2021

If you are looking to make friends, then here are some strategies for acquiring friends. We get it sometimes you start feeling like Tom Hanks in Cast Away, but it is normal to feel like that at times. Socializing is a natural part of being human.

Find activities that you enjoy to find people with a common interest

Going places or partake in activities where people are most likely interested in the same things is an easy way to build connections. For example, playing basketball with some stranger can lead to an appreciation of each able to play.

Your job is a great place to make friends. The workplace provides an area for you naturally meet because you sometimes have to interact with coworkers to get tasks done.

Get in the mindset of putting yourself in uncomfortable positions

To get what you want you have to break out of your comfort zone. You cannot afford to be uncomfortable being in group settings, break out of your shell, and get in the mix.

A good example to illustrate how you can miss your chance to make a friend would be attending a conference to learn from speaker and there a lot of people in attendance and the only thing you did was listen to the speakers and went back home. You just missed out on an opportunity to meet like-minded people and could have been a good friend of yours.

Utilize your friends and family to make friends

A common theme in finding a friend is having something in common with that person that introduces you to the new person. Some of the best friends you can make are from people that know someone that you already know.

Be the one to start conversations

If you’re passive about making friends, you won’t make many. Being the person that starts the engagement increases your chances to gain new friends.

Take a walk outside in an area where there are people around and take a mental note of how many people walk past you and did say anything to you. Now imagine if you took time to introduce yourself to some of the people that had passed. 

Don’t be picky

Give everyone that you may come across a chance because you never know who will be a person that you can rely upon.


Set up another meet-up and make sure you can continue to develop a friendship with the people.

Make sure to keep in touch, because it is easy to become forgettable.


Remember to find activities to find people with a common interest, get in the mindset of being comfortable being uncomfortable, utilize your friends and family to make friends, be the one to start conversations, and follow up.

You can make friends in almost any situation. Hopefully, you make use of these tips to find friends and keep their life. Keep gaining experience and enjoy life.