How to Manifest Less and get More

How to Manifest Less and get More

by experiencehood | Dec 29, 2021

Manifesting is not a wish list for Santa. Manifesting has become appealing to a lot of people hoping for a miracle to change their life. Manifestation has become an attractive buzzword, which allows people to believe that anything is possible.

Manifesting can keep people stuck in the stay position. Having your mind made up about how you want things to go in your life can prevent you from looking at other options. Everything does not always go as planned, so you have to adjust.

Benefits of Manifesting

The concept of manifest has its perks, which allow a person to increase their potential in life. Since the rise of manifest as a buzzword, people have focused on what they want out of life. Not to say people were not, but it gave an exciting reason for people to want to focus on what they want in life.

What is manifest

According to websters definition of manifest, it means readily perceived by the senses and especially by light or easily understood or recognized by the mind.

Other people’s definition would describe manifest as the intentional creation of what you want.

The mistakes people make when manifesting

Forever Dreamer

Believing in something is not enough. In the space of manifesting, there is a hyper-focus on thinking it into existence. When people are listening or reading about manifesting, the lure of picturing what they want leaves them stuck in the same place. Then manifesting becomes a thing of hope and not a guideline of action.

Nonrealistic goals

If you tell people they can have anything, what do you think they will say? It is highly unlikely you can tell someone they can have anything, and they would want something easily obtainable thing. One of the major problems with the idea of manifestation it is almost likely to set up people to fail.

Don’t confuse probability with possibility.

Manifest Less

Stop Wishing, Start doing

Set larges goals with small obtainable steps. Working on smaller steps will get you farther than trying to hit home runs. This way, if you fail to hit your larger goals, you should have put yourself somewhere in the middle instead of staying stuck on the bottom.

Set Goals, Execute, Review, Apply Changes, and repeat

There is a process to achieving the things you want in life. First, you want to set up your goals and create steps to obtain them. Next, you have to execute your plan. Do the thing you said you are going to do. Afterward, you want to look back at are the results and analyze what could have been done better. Continue and apply the changes. The last thing is to do it over again.

You should approach life with the process of planning, executing, reviewing, applying changes, and repeating. Things do not always go as planned, so it is important to review the actions taken then make adjustments.