How to Move with intention

How to Move with intention

by experiencehood | Jan 12, 2022

“Happiness, success, excellence: They are not something you get for knowing the path; they are something you experience by walking it” – Dr. Steve Mataboli

There is a chance that you can achieve the things you want to do in life, but only if you move intending to get it done. Most people will fail to accomplish what they set out to do because of a lack of understanding of what factors contributes to their success.

Here are questions to ask yourself and propel you to move with the intention of achieving results.

What are you trying to achieve?

The easiest step in making your intention clear is to identify what is it you’re trying to achieve. What is the dream that gets you eager to wake? Every year people set goals to make changes to their life for the better.

Why you are doing what you are doing?

Just wanting something is not enough. There has to be something else to keep you chasing after your dreams. Find your why is what going to keep you pursuing your goals. Your why has to be something strongly connected to your values and purpose.

Who can you look up to?

A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether. – Roy Williams

Look for someone who has the answers you are looking to receive. There is always someone who has done what you are attempting to do. Let your mentor show you the pitfalls of trying to obtain the objective you are seeking and learn from them.

A mentor does not have to be someone you know, and it could be from a source that comes from the person with the knowledge. For instance, a book can have the information you need to gain the capability to accomplish your goals. In this instance, you were mentored by the author indirectly without having any contact with the author.

What is the deadline?

If you have all to get something done, you are going to take all day to get it done. The time frame you set for yourself determines how quickly you are going to accomplish something and holds you accountable to stay on task.

When you have a long-term goal, set up shorter-term goals so you can check your progression and maintain accountability.

How are you going to do it?

A goal without a plan is just a wish. – Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Based on the information you have gathered, create a plan to achieve your goals. Organize a systematic way to complete tasks and make it easier to focus on sticking with your plan. The organization of tasks allows you to fit activities into your schedule and reduce the overwhelming feeling that can come with adding new things to your life.

When are you going to start?

The time should always be now. The longer you wait, the less likely you are going to do it. There is no perfect time to get started.

Procrastination has beaten plenty of people and stolen just as many dreams. If you think about it, there is no good reason to push it off to a later date. Once you get started, you will wish you started sooner. The thoughts of how much further you could have been will pop up in your head once in a while.