Is Ignorance Bliss?

Is Ignorance Bliss?

by experiencehood | Nov 16, 2021

Ignorance is bliss is a saying people use to describe life without worries. As blissful it may seem to live in ignorance, is it practical? Are you able to avoid information concerning you and live your life happy until the end? Also, wouldn't you want to know what you don't know about yourself? What about getting information that can help you improve your life? Last, if you were able to get information that can improve your life, would you rather not know? These questions bring up the issue being ignored.

Examining what a life of ignorance

There could be arguments made ignorance is bliss, one being your happiness will not be interrupted by negative information or information that makes you feel worst about yourself. It will be as if there is a way for a social media app to auto-delete any negative comments in your feed. Discontentment usually comes from comparing yourself to what others have. Just like social media, people look at other people's profiles and compare what they believe to be an exciting life to their own. When there is nothing to compare, there are fewer chances to be dissatisfied? 

Another argument is how much more carefree would someone be if they lived in ignorance? When you look at children, they don’t worry about much. Their limited experiences and knowledge allow them to say and do whatever they want. The carefree nature of children lasts until someone with more experience and knowledge shares knowledge.

Examining the pitfalls of ignorance

It would seem ignorance is bliss, but some would argue otherwise. An argument could be if you don’t know that there is danger ahead, would you most likely head towards it. People make mistakes all the time, and most people wish they knew how to avoid them. Being ignorant of the consequences of your actions is not an excuse for not having to deal with the repercussions.

The consequences of the unknown can be frightening. Some people get paralyzed by the fear of unknown consequences which, puts a damper on the amount of fun or happiness they can experience. The point is not knowing has two reactions to a person’s willingness to do something.

In terms of being carefree, we can see it can go two ways, so what about receiving negative information. Negative information can be hurtful based on your perspective. Some people can look at negative comments as constructive criticism. Some people are willing to learn and improve themselves, even if it means having to hear some harsh truths. Another point on perspective is you can probably see it as a person not knowing how to put words together so it won’t come out so harshly. There are other ways to look at that situation. 

One more point to bring up is life always finds a way to bring something to your attention. Not knowing something is wrong or you have a problem may appear to be blissful, but it's not. So, it may be better to prepare yourself rather than life catching you off guard.