Independent No More: Interdependence relevance

Independent No More: Interdependence relevance

by experiencehood | Dec 21, 2021

Countries strive for independence; people strive for interdependent. The progression of human society is what it is today because of the collaboration between people working together. There is an underestimation of how dependent we are. Being an interdependent person is what gets you father in life.

Being alone should not be a goal. There is a mass push to tell people it is ok to be alone. As it is important to be comfortable being alone, you should not stay alone. It is more important to find ways to join a community and find your way through life cooperating with people.

1. Rely on People More

One way people are trying to improve themselves is to depend less on other people, which can be the wrong way of approaching life. There are times when you should be more self-reliant, but that doesn’t mean to rely on people less. Instead, you develop yourself in a way that you can equally exchange value with other people. Depending less on people can be a mistake because the more you can utilize other people’s abilities, the more you can gain from them.

It’s ok for someone else to take the lead sometimes. You don’t have to do everything and be everyone. Your responsibility is to know how to be able to tell if someone is capable of guiding you in the right direction. There will be times in your life when it is better if someone else is in charge of certain tasks.

2. Find the Right People

Part of your self-development should be learning how to co-exist with other people. Unless the apocalypse happens, you will always have to interact with people. The greatest value you can give a person is being able to fill inefficiencies in a person’s life. It is also important for you to find out what parts of your life where people can help you get where you want to go in life.

3. Be More Efficient

You don’t have to do it all by yourself. There is only so much one person can do in a day. Trying to do everything on your own creates inefficiencies, which only cause more stress and slow you down. The only way a person will be able to do more effectively is to multiple themselves. Physically you can't duplicate yourself, but you can get people to help you achieve your goals.

Human society is built on collaboration. See the value gained by working with people rather than trying to figure things out by yourself. There is nothing in this world created by one person without the influence of another person. Find the areas in your life that can benefit from adding valuable people. To also include is you have to develop the value that will benefit other people.