Knowing How to Deal with Disappointments

Knowing How to Deal with Disappointments

by experiencehood | Jul 23, 2021

Your life will be filled with disappointments. As you develop as a high-functioning person in the world, you will have to handle disappointment better. You mustn't allow disappointments to hinder your progress or become a reoccurring theme. It’s time to prepare yourself for disappointments.


Disappointment is sadness caused by mismanagement of hopes or expectations. How disappointed can you be if you never expected anything? Even though it is difficult to have no expectations, you can manage the effect expectation have on you.  Expectations are the root of all disappointments. Expectations can be baseless and misleading. Expectations can raise two different reactions.

Takes a break

Take time to let the feeling pass. Find a way to get your mind off disappointment. Even if the time taken doesn’t completely solve the problem, at least it can give you a chance to reset. It is hard to correct makes when you are still absorbed in what occurred.


Look at the result of an event or events that lead to a state of disappointment. Consider if the disappointment felt was appropriate for what happened. Ask yourself did you set yourself up for failure? Did you have enough evidence to support the level of expectation?


Use the thought process of rationalizing the disappointment as an opportunity to learn its’ cause. Learn to gather information to increase the number of assumptions that can occur in a situation. Seek information where ever you can get it. Let experience be a guide to reducing further trauma. Let it help you develop as a person and avoid the same mistakes. Allow the experience to be a lesson, which softens future disappointments' impact.


Getting disappointed can be hard. Once you start understanding how to deal with disappointment, life will become much easier. Manage your expectations, take a break, rationalize, and learn from your experience and grow.

Keep gaining experience and enjoy life.