Milk Crate Challenge: Laughing at Pain

Milk Crate Challenge: Laughing at Pain

by experiencehood | Aug 26, 2021

New challenges tend to rises from now and then that become popular and link the masses through conversations and attempts.

The latest social media challenge is trending for botch attempts to complete it. The challenge consists of milk crates stack in a pyramid formation, and the challenger attempts to walk across them without falling.

To complete the challenge is easier said than done when participants start to realize that they are losing at the top of the pyramid.

Here is why the challenge is becoming more popular, as people get to the top of the pyramid, they tend to lose their balance and fall. The falls look so painful that many people can’t help to watch.

The people that have failed to complete the challenge look like they were seriously harmed by the fall.

This is not a recommended challenge to participate in. You can seriously hurt yourself as some have fallen on their necks’, falling on a milk crate from the top of the pyramid, and many more weird ways that look incredibly painful.

There has been successful completion of the challenge, which has been viewed as people have made the challenge seem easier than it is, and there have been others that barely completed it as milk crates fly everywhere.

With that said, the challenge is still not worth it.

This Challenge has stroked the curiosity of many as it is a foolish endeavor to take on.