The Price of Being Right

The Price of Being Right

by experiencehood | Jan 19, 2022

How much are we willing to risk to prove we are correct? With everything going on these days, there is a lot of information available, and everyone has an opinion. The chances of encountering someone that has a different opinion are incredibly high. So how far are you willing to go to be acknowledged as the right one, and what are you willing to lose for it.

What is more important?

What is the goal we are trying to achieve when we are pushing our agenda in people’s faces? Sometimes in our quest to be right, we forget what matters the most. Sometimes we have to reflex on what happened. Then, we have to ask ourselves what did we achieve and was it worth it?

Sometimes dealing with the consequences help us to realize the damage we caused. The lack of foresight to see the downfall of our need to be right keep us spiraling downwards. Loses come so gradually it is hard to realize that we are the cause of problems that keeps reoccurring. Every problem we have, we often think it is a separate issue, and a good portion of the time, it’s the same issue in a different situation.

The things that we fight for can lead us down a road of radical thinking, unwillingness to see other points of view, and see the flaws in our own. Often, we go out of our way to secure our position, and it takes over rational thinking. Holding on to ideas we value, we do not realize we could be wrong. We also can lose more than we gain in the process.

The Price

So, what is the price we are willing to pay for our ideals? Without realizing it, there is a price for stating our thoughts and sticking by them. When our idea goes against everyone else around us, we can pay for it. Our ideas and thoughts have the potential to push people away. There is only so much someone can put up with until they are ready to escape our exhausting presence.

We can be so dedicated to our ideals that we are willing to sacrifice our relationship. We create incredibly high standards and look for every excuse to eliminate someone. Even if there is a low chance of people making our expectations, we are willing to miss out on the benefits of being in a relationship.

Our ideals can also limit our earning potential. When we are so firmly into our beliefs that our financial well-being is not enough for us to rethink our decision and adjust our stands, that's a problem. One of the greatest motivators in the modern era is gaining resources. Even that is not enough for people to conform to ideals of the norms.

There is so much information about health and wellness that you can easily be following the wrong advice. In addition, agendas are being pushed around to appeal to people in the hope of gaining favor in their purchasing decisions. With this said, we can also align ourselves with ideas that closely relate to us or promise us the results. Stand with an idea, it can compromise our health and leave us in a worse state if we had been willing to bend a little.