Toxic Positivity

Toxic Positivity

by experiencehood | Nov 30, 2021

Do you find yourself surrounded by an abundance of positivity? Or are you too positive about situations you are in? You may have toxic positivity.

What is Toxic Positivity

Toxic positivity is an over-optimistic outlook of a situation despite the hardship.

Being positive is a healthy way of living, but not being cautious of consequences can lead you to no longer having hope. Being overly positive is a result of believing rather than analyzing.


Relationships can fill your life with happy moments and also weigh you down with negativity. Regardless of who's in your life, you have to be aware of the potential effects of their actions on you. Most people are interested in their selves and are not thinking about your life as you are.

Your friends may want the best for you, but they may not care to aid you to get the best. There will be times when your friends will encourage you to pursue temporary satisfaction without considering long-term consequences.

For example, you are in disagreement with a romantic interest, and you want to see other people, so you decide to discontinue the relationship, thinking there still may be a chance to be together again later. Your friend tells you that you were right in your decision and you should do what makes you happy. What your friend didn’t warn you of is there is a possibility that you may ruin your chance to be with that person ever.

Career and Business

During most people’s childhood, they are told they are unique. Some people grow up and realize that we are more alike than not. While another holds on to the belief, they are unique. A person's belief can be a double edge blade. Your belief can propel you to achieve great things and also dull your awareness limiting your ability to accomplish what you set out to do.

These days there are a lot of messages being spread to people to believe anything is possible. Though it is true, the probability to do anything is not. Venturing out chasing careers and business without any clue of how to be successful is only wishful thinking.

A trending example would be manifesting. People are aligning themselves with manifesting because it allows them to believe their thoughts will get them anything they want. The reason manifesting your reality can be toxic positivity is just something to happen is not a cause for something to happen.