Ways to avoid distractions

Ways to avoid distractions

by experiencehood | Sep 07, 2021

Dealing with distraction is a normal part of life, and how you handle it makes the difference. Staying focus in a time where there are more distractions to gain your attention is difficult.

Here are some ways to help manage distractions.

Know what distracts you

The first thing before you can get rid of your distractions are to know what they are. It may seem obvious what is distracting you, but a lot of the time, distractions are random and hard to notice.

Being aware identifies your weakness is one way of building up for strengths.

Don’t avoid distractions

Sometimes your distraction has a big effect on your mind, and you may be better off embracing it rather than trying to rid of it. This doesn’t mean letting it get out of control and use it as an excuse to do whatever you want.

Set time limits you think would be reasonable to get it out of your system and get back to work.

Pay attention to triggers

Knowing how you fall into your bad habits gives you a better understanding of how to climb out of your habits. Pay attention or look back at how did you end up being distracted. Once you get an idea of what is causing you to be distracted, try developing a way that prevents a distraction from interrupting you.

Example of handling triggers:

When your trigger of a distraction is opening up a web browser that already has saved websites that do not aid you with your task, try to use a different web browser dedicated to all of your task-related work. This way, every time you open up a browser, you are more likely to complete your task.

This works because people are creatures of habit, and if you have work habits that are related or cross paths, it will create a familiar feeling that can lead you to make the wrong choice.

Watching tv while eating is one of those unnoticeable bad habits that leads to a lot of wasted time. To avoid fall into this trap is to eat away from any devices that display visual media or eat in silence without any electronics.


Distractions can waste a lot of your time, master your ability to manage life in a way that limits distractions taking your time. The key things to remember are to know what distracts you, don’t avoid some distractions, and pay attention to triggers.