Ways to Improve Your Social Skills

Ways to Improve Your Social Skills

by experiencehood | Aug 06, 2021

Your social skills are important for your personal and professional life. You have to find ways to get better at communicating to improve your life. Here are some tips to improve your social skills.

Public Jobs

This one is specific towards jobs that rely on working with the public. Meaning not your co-workers. Having a job that puts you in a position to talk to strangers is a good way to practice your ability to carry on a conversation. Plus, you will also be around people that are better speakers than you are.

Examples of jobs that give you this opportunity are retail, waiting tables, bartending.

Working with the public also forces you to practice etiquette. You learn to handle yourself in situations when a person you are in contact with is an unruly person.

Public place

Going to a public place where there are a lot of people around is a good way to improve social skills. This is a way to come in contact with strangers and meet new people. Schools can be a good place because it is a place where you can easily find people of common interest.

Examples of places to go are the park, bars, school.

Talking to the mirror

The most surprising and very effective way to improve your ability. Talking to yourself in the mirror is a weird thing to do, so it is a good technic to break out of your comfort zone. Weirdly it simulates being in front of a person, which gets you better at looking someone in the face.

Have an opener

The Hardest part of having a conversation is to start one. It helps to have a preset of opening lines to start a conversation. You will be more confident because it will be one less thing to worry about.


To get better at anything, you have to practice. As you continue to find ways to have conversations, you will become more comfortable speaking to people.

Being good at communicating with is a perishable skill. Your comfort talking to people will dwindle a little, and conversations won’t flow as easily as they would if you are constantly in conversations. You still will be better than you were when you started developing your conversation skills.


Your social skill is a big determinate of how you make an impression of the world around you. Keys to remember is to when developing your skills are try jobs that force you to engage with strangers, go to public places, talk in the mirror, have an opening line, and get repetitions.

Keep gaining experience and enjoy life.