What is Ambition

What is Ambition

by experiencehood | Nov 23, 2021

Ambition is something a person is in pursuit of achieving. According to Webster's dictionary, ambition is also a desire to be successful, rich, and famous. Most people would align themselves with Webster’s second definition of ambition. There are pre-built illustrations of what ambition is. Therefore, the appearance of ambition needs to be researched to uncover what ambition is.

This article is going to challenge your thoughts of what ambition is.

The glorified vision of an ambitious person

When you search for images of an ambitious person, what are the images you will see? You will see there is a stereotype of what an ambitious person is. The stereotype that remains in the front of most people's minds is someone in a business suit with a briefcase.

What does the ideal ambitious person do? Well, it’s linked to the image of the person in the business suit. The person with a white-collar job or runs a multi-million-dollar company. Also, an ambitious person takes trips around the world and owns expensive homes.

Another perspective of an ambitious person is the entertainers of the world. The reason is because of their elevated public perception. The flashy lifestyles of entertainers excite people to want abundance and unessential items. In addition to the lifestyle, entertainers are the most recognizable people, which adds to the elevated perception.

What ambition looks like

Using the first definition given, then ambition is more than the stereotypical image. The end goal of everyone may be universal, but the way people choose to get there is different. Everyone can’t obtain the same level of success but can achieve a level of success to live comfortably.

Have a reason to achieve something and work towards it no matter what’s the goal is. Ambition looks like a father working to make sure his family is secure. Ambition is the high school student searching for their purpose in life. The plumbers take pride in their craft to deliver excellent service. These are examples of what ambition is.

The overall ambition is a person pursuing goals. The perception of a stereotypical ambitious person has taken over what the everyday person should strive for and devalued the average way of life. With that understanding, be observant of what is necessary and make sure whatever it is you achieve it.   

Be careful of setting goals based on perceived values of not the essential values.