What people want out of life

What people want out of life

by experiencehood | Aug 08, 2021

This may be the time of your life where you are curious about what people think and want or questioning yourself. You may find that most people are similar to each other in wants and how they think. Here are what people want out of their lives.


How much money is enough money? The wealthiest people on Earth are still making efforts to make more money. Everyone wants the ability to buy the latest and rarest cars, new clothes, and so on.

Understand that people don’t necessarily want money they just want what comes from having a lot of money. The things that come from money is houses, car, clothes, and the latest technology.


No matter how much money you have, if you are not happy, it doesn’t matter. Happiness comes and goes. Everyone wishes that they can stay in a state of permanent happiness.


Freedom is another thing that people wish they had unlimited amounts of. The ability to do whatever you want whenever you want is a satisfying desire that seems to be only possible in a dream.

There is a level of peace that comes from not worrying about your limitations to do what you desire.


Part of being free is to be to go out on an adventure and experience things that you have never done before. Envy is created nowadays by social media seeing other people traveling and going to events. You most likely want to be the person that can be seen as a global trotter and be envied for it.

Most people are not able to constantly be on an adventure because of their limitations. It usually takes planning and organization of time and money.

Be interesting

Take your adventures and tell fascinating stories that people could only wish they can do. People love to be recognized for their accomplishments.

More Time

The thing that would be better than being on an adventure is having more time to go on more adventures. Everyone’s time is limited, so it is the most precious thing that you can have.

There are times in everyone’s life where they wish they could spend more time with family, finishing a project, and experiencing new things.


After you have read this article, then you most likely have similar views or experience a new perspective of an idea that you have heard of before. Remember, people, want money, happiness, freedom, adventure, to be interesting, and to have more time.

Keep gaining experience and enjoy life.