What People Waste Time on?

What People Waste Time on?

by experiencehood | Aug 16, 2021

Most people struggle with effectively using their time. A good way to become better with your time is by identifying your issue. Here are some time wasters.

Video Games

Video games have been pointed as a big-time waster and are a topic of whether there is a benefit to it. Playing video games can benefit you, but the problem is video games can become addicting and comprise other aspects of your life. Another problem is time flies playing games, and one hour turns into 3 hours.

If you are making a living from playing games, then you should not worry about how much time you spend playing games. 

Social Media

Social media is a major distraction that wastes a lot of time. Many social media platforms are learning and finding more ways to keep you engaged. You can easily mindlessly scroll through an app and get lost. Also turning on the app can turn into a habit that you end up doing for no reason.

Social media has become more a viable way to make money, and if you do engage with social media apps make sure you are getting more than a fix of daily content.


Television has come a long way from the day where you did have a limited amount of choice. Now you can binge-watch a series for hours. You can get attached to a series and want to watch every episode.


Procrastination is a time-waster because most of the time when you put off doing something, it is usually for something that is not worth the time. Putting off things leads to having to rush what you needed to do and sometimes leads to mediocre work.


Avoid these time-wasters when you can be doing something that will help you progress in life. Video games, social media, television, and procrastination are the time-waster that will hold you back if it is not under control. Improve your self-discipline and make the best out of your time and become the best version of yourself.