What Success Should Mean to You?

What Success Should Mean to You?

by experiencehood | Aug 02, 2021

Success is the accomplishment of a goal. Success is not one size fits all solution. You have to customize what success looks like and the path you take. Achieving feats and accolades is not important if it does not line up with what you are ultimately trying to achieve.

What matters to you?

Define what makes you happy. There can be numerous things that can bring happiness, but there is usually that one thing that they would do forever happily.

For instance, playing sport and being able to participate in sports events brings enjoyment for some. For others, volunteering at homeless shelters is their source of joy. For some people, never having to worry about where to live is a success.

What is your purpose?

Now it’s time to dig deeper. You need to find a mission based on what makes you. Start to direct the source of your happiness to a focus that will make all of your efforts worthwhile. Your purpose is the driving force for you to become successful.

What do you want your life to look like?

You have to identify the endgame of your purpose. Make clear what you want to achieve and the effect you want it to have on your life and the people you affect.

Visualize what it looks like in your mind in one way, use something tangible like a vision board in another.

Goals and Accomplishments

At this point, you have to set smaller goals that will lead you to your end goal. This is the journey you choose to get you to where you what to be.

The accomplishments of your smaller goals should add up to the end goal.


Success is what you make it. Remember what makes you happy, what is your purpose, what you want your life to look like, and your goals and accomplishment should lead you to your end goals of success.

Keep gaining experience and enjoy life.