What's Emotional Intelligence

What's Emotional Intelligence

by experiencehood | Feb 28, 2022

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, handle, and use emotions. A person's ability to pick up another person’s emotions through interactions would be considered highly emotionally intelligent. On the opposite end, someone who lacks consideration for other people's emotions and awareness is labeled with low emotional intelligence.

History of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence came from the concept of emotional strength, which was created by Abraham Maslow. Abraham Maslow is a psychologist best known for Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. In his research of self-realization, he brought up the value of emotional needs. Emotion intelligence was first mentioned by Michael Beldoch then gained popularity by Daniel Goleman. 

Today emotional intelligence is used at a greater frequency, and the concept has expanded to explain its relevance in our life.